College Station Skating rink
My first blog and it’s as enjoyable and cherishable as anything that's ‘first’.. but hey there’s more to it than just being my first blog, ‘coz it’s also about my ‘first’ Ice Skating experience… I went with a bunch of my friends from Grad School and apparently most of them werent any better at Ice Skating but I hate to agree I was the worst! I managed to get skates for my ‘small-sized’ feet, i mean they hardly had any shoes for size 5 but ya got ‘em on, walked over to the ice rink and man was it awesome or what! The sight by itself was inviting, so inviting that instead of being cautious and stopping to think if I could manage, I held the rail-like thing on the side and stepped in… I temporarily lost my balance but I managed to come to a stand-still… then came the best part, my friend asked me to start gliding, I put one foot forward and zinggggggggggggg it went…. one foot went forward, the other backward, I freaked out, swayed momentarily…and BANG… a CRASH…landed right on my back…! What’s worse, a kid about 6 or 7 went past me and asked me if I was doing alright! Psst…I thought I’d step right out and save myself from any further embarrassment, but thanks to my friends’ persuasion and my desire by itself, I decided to stay and figure this thing out…and so I went on, taking baby steps, holding the little support by my side, crashed a zillion times and by the time I reached half the rink, it was time for them to resurface the ice…and they asked us to hurry up and get out, now how was I supposed to explain to the guy that, for me to get out he might have to wait until close! So there I put on that damsel-in-distress look of mine and hey it worked! A counselor/helper came by and pulled me out of the rink….huh but he had so mis-judged my skating abilities or the lack of it, that I actually managed to fall down under his supervision and not just that, he fell down with me! I don’t know if he was mad, he didn’t seem so, but I bet they had a good laugh at the end of it all…After resurfacing, I dared to venture again, this time going the other direction, I should say I was a little better, only a little and my poor friends, much as they tried to help me, I fell and fell till my body hurt, with the counselors pulling me up each time and it was a little before closing time when I decided that it was enough falling for a day! Although at the end of it all, my limbs and every part of my body ached and I was a little too much embarrassed about the stunts I pulled, deep down I was thinking I can’t wait to come back and master it!:) It’s a dare really!