Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wonder why!

I dont know if any of you have felt the same way before but as I was listening to this one song today, there was this wave of sadness that just swept by me. Its strange how when you are listening to music while working with absolutely no emotions what-so-ever, there s this one song that suddenly makes you so sad you want to cry, it's like someone gave you one sharp pat on ur head and this morsel of food that was stuck in your throat and torturing you came flying out and relieved you!!

There have also been songs that makes your heart leap with joy but I can still pass it off as music in general makes you feel good and theres nothing strange about that! but if you have no reason and you feel like you want to cry when you listen to some songs( I have a whole list of such songs that makes me sad...but they dont stop being my favs too), makes me think something must be wrong in my head...hmmmm!
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