Wierdest things...
They all look familiar...people I went to school with, my childhood friends, my college friends, acquaintances, my grad friends, every one of them..they all look grim..cant tell if they are sad or numb with pain ...I have just few mintues to bid farewell because they are all getting executed- HANGED TILL DEATH!!!!
Together that is..in a huge room, getting mass executed. They are prepared, well they dont have a choice..there s not even enough time to say bye to all of them ..
They start with the first row of people, putting a black mask over their head to hang them and then I realize I dont have much time left..I run in a frenzy to the rest of my friends...hug them and tell them how much I am going to miss them...
I beg the executioner to give me one last time to hug them all and say 'Good Bye' coz I am never going to see them again and in a few minutes I will be all alone in this world...my head was reeling, I could nt think, I could nt buy enough time, so I hurry up running from one friend to the next, hugging and saying good bye...and then I burst out crying, weeping terribly...at my inablility to stop whats going to happen , worst of all I am about to witness the most gruesome incident ever........
the executioner is about to pull the handle, the first person, a very good friend of mine is about to be hanged , I am about to yell..............
and I wake up all shivering and cold with fright! It's 4:15 am, so it was just a freaking nightmare, one of the worst, I was actually about to cry when I took a minute to calm down and tell myself it was just a nightmare..a cruel one too!
I gasped for breath for a second and sat up for a few minutes...Suddenly I felt thirsty as though I have been in reality yelling and crying, so I grab the bottle next to my bed and gulp down some water...the water tastes wierd ..may be coz I just woke up from sleep, may be I was just imagining its wierd, may be its just my nightmare making even the water taste wierd. it's when I swallowed it completely I realized its not water that I drank..
IT WAS FREAKING OIL!! This freaked me out even more than the dream...I ran to the bathroom, tried to brush to get rid of it but too late...the damage had been done..now I could only wait for it to come out, in more than one way that is! I called my mom in India and she was shocked but then she asked me to relax and go back to sleep and so I did.
Ha, but I underestimated what a 50 mL of oil can do! The following morning I wake up ....I had a 'throw-up' start..so I decided to skip my morning class....just so I can be in form to take my exam in the evening ...but the oil insisted in showing its might, so I have diarrhoea...quoting my friend, I don't want to get into the technical details of how much square of toilet paper I used, how many times I visitied the bathroom in 3 minutes 15 seconds!
the worst of all most of my friends' instant reaction was laughter..they were laughing hysterically when I told them I drank oil thinking it was water..JERK faces! The next cliche question that followed was 'why did I have oil next to me'? By the time I explained the 'god hence the lamp, lamp hence the oil funda' I was tired! I told my boss why I could nt make it to work and he had a wierd I-dont-buy- that- story tone!:(
Even worse, I went to office the next day, when it was lunch time, some of my friends and I have lunch together sometimes, they asked where do we go for lunch..Before I could answer one of my other smart-ass friends jumps in and says 'Indira will want to go to Jiffy Lube for lunch , we'll go to Fatburger'...hehehahaw..very funny I say :-/
Ever since this oil-drinking episode I have become the butt of most jokes...not that I wasnt before but before they forget one episode they have a new incident to make fun of ! Clumsy me:(